Retaining Talent

The Great Resignation has gripped many organisations globally, which leaves us asking why are so many people quitting their jobs? Research conducted by McKinsey found that the majority of employers wrongly assumed that the issue lies within compensation or work-life balance. However, their findings pointed to a lack of feeling valued and a missing sense of belonging.

This leaves another question, what can be done to retain our talent and teams?

Encourage ideas, unique contributions and enjoyment.

Hand employees responsibility, voice and space to use their diverse thinking alongside collaboration to bring forth new ideas. Achievement is a positive sum game. In this state, people feel like they’re part of something bigger than themselves. Enjoyment heightens and productivity is elevated in turn. When a team does not achieve this, they enter a zero sum game, a state where everyone is motivated by their own self-interests, and the team as a whole suffers.

Develop a shared belief.

Everybody has either been part of or witnessed the strength of shared belief in sport. It is coming together in tough moments, giving your absolute best alongside your teammates with the outcome being either winning or learning. Challenges bond teams — but only if they share a belief that striving to win unites them. Use the organisations values to engage with employees, and encourage leaders to develop behaviours asscoiated for their respective teams - cultivating a culture of individuals pulling together for a common purpose.

Cultivate curious & empathetic leaders.

Empathy fuels connection and curiosity drives innovation. Developing a culture of curiosity within leadership will ensure that your organisation’s teams believe there is always more to learn. This fuels the excitement of experimentation and growth. A crucial next step for leaders in this process is to create an environment where it is psychologically safe to give bold ideas and risk being wrong, forming the bridge toward learning and innovation.

Celebrate the wins.

Don’t take for granted the impact of celebrating the small things. Even within the most successful teams it is not enough to push on towards lofty goals, it is imperative to celebrate wins together as it keeps the focus where it needs to be for a team to excel and bond through progress.

Put your people first.

Tom Bednall, Commercial Director


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