A Year of 100 & First

When we started 100 & First in September 2020, our sole focus was to build a business that would be the catalyst for the growth of individuals, teams and organisations. We believe that the key to this is story telling, and how the power of incredible real-life experiences, when told and facilitated in the right way, have learnings that are applicable to any person or environment. 

“When nothing seems to help, I go and look at a stonecutter hammering away at his rock perhaps a hundred times without as much as a crack showing in it. Yet at the 100 & First blow it will split in two, and I know it was not that blow that did it, but all that had gone before” Jacob Riis

Purpose driven, pandemic bound, and inspired by the words of Jacob Riis, we began to develop programmes alongside our associate speakers that allowed our audiences to understand why, how and what makes each story so incredible. Programmes that would unearth how these mindsets, tools and experiences can be used in any context.

Our approach is constantly underpinned by 3 key questions:

  • Are we creating change?

  • Are people learning?

  • Are we driving growth?

Now looking back over the year, the best thing to do is answer those questions exactly.


From day one, our sole focus was to build a business with the intention to create something meaningful, that would leave a lasting impact on those involved. Reflecting on this, we are confident that this has been a constant theme throughout and the inspiration to change and adapt when and where necessary. 

We initially started out with a plan to run all of our workshops and coaching in person, this quickly changed as the UK entered lockdown 2. In response, we developed a series of Online Courses and learning resources to support those who were battling or had lost their jobs due to Covid. We went on to develop a monthly virtual coffee hour, a safe community space for people to get together and enjoy those ‘water cooler’ moments we were all missing. Inadvertently our competence for online delivery has now formed a large part of our Offering


Starting a business is a learning curve, amidst a pandemic it is exponential. At 100 & First, social capital is the most valuable currency to our business, and it starts with taking the time to get to know each other, asking for help and being there to reciprocate.

We have a core belief that if an organisation can get these foundations right, then the natural bi-product is that people better enjoy what they do, who they do it with and who they do it for. And so in turn, will be better at their jobs and improve the performance of the organisation. 

This remains a core principle we apply with each other, our associates and our partners and it is the catalyst that continues to drive the learning curve. 


The answer to the third and final question, are we driving growth, is quite simply, yes. We believe in cultivating a culture which rewards hard work, encourages collaboration, learning from failure and accountability, which we apply internally at 100 & First and with every individual, team and organisation we work with.

Growth remains the bi-product of this culture and learning cycle, the island on the horizon that we are moving towards. Couple that with ‘you are only a start up once’ mentality, and it has allowed us to be adaptable and work with the right people and continue aiming for long-term sustainable growth.

100 & First started off as an idea, and has grown month on month into a multi-faceted business that we are incredibly proud of. We could not have done that without our brilliant partners and speakers. We are really grateful to have worked such amazing people and businesses, and are excited to build, alongside them, into the next year.  

Thank you,

100& First Team


The world at work: Home or Office…?


The Learning Environment